Expert Reviews

Gar Hildenbrand

Clinical Epidemiologist and founder of the Gerson Research Organization.

Expert review: Gar Hildenbrand

Enema Coffee Expert Reviewer Gar Hildebrand |

Expert reviewer Gar Hildenbrand, founder of the Gerson Research Organization and Clinical Epidemiologist of CHIPSA Hospital, located in Playas De Tijuana, Mexico.

Gar has broad knowledge and experience in the evaluation of Alternative Cancer Therapies. He is a past Executive Director of the Gerson Institute, as well as a former Director of the Issels Treatment Center of the Oasis Hospital, where he introduced Photopheresis with dendritic cell culture.

Mr. Hildenbrand is a federal policy expert and long-time political activist for reform of the cancer industry. As a whistle-blowing advisor to the U.S. Office of Technology Assessment (OTA), he exposed stealth “Quackbusters” on the OTA staff and helped save the study “Unconventional Cancer Treatments.”

He was appointed by Iowa Senator Tom Harkin to monitor the introduction of a coordinating office, the Office of Alternative Medicine, into the Office of the Director of the National Institutes of Health and was promptly labeled a “Harkinite” in the pages of “Science” magazine.

A tireless advocate for fair evaluation of promising Alternatives, Gar is currently leading a Freedom of Information Act investigation into the FDA’s long term war against Coley Toxin, the first and by far most effective immunotherapeutic agent for advanced cancer.

His documentary, Cancer Survivors USA: A road trip and an open letter to Senator Tom Harkin, features recovered cancer patients urging Sen. Harkin to aid this investigation, restore Coley Toxin in the US and return the human immune system to its rightful place at the center of modern cancer management.

Mr. Hildenbrand’s current work with CHIPSA Hospital involves the integration of Gerson’s Nutritional Immunotherapy, Coley Toxin, and Live Dendritic Cell Therapy.

“Over the last 10 years, my colleagues and I have come to trust and rely so thoroughly on S.A.Wilson’s Gold Roast that we almost take it for granted that any serious integrative immuno-oncology group already knows about it.

However, it is probably worth rehearsing the obvious on this occasion in the event that practitioners have somehow overlooked it; patients undergoing immunotherapies are challenged by the “symptoms” of immune reactions, flu-like overall achi-ness, nausea, sharp focal pain around lesions, and once they experience the rapid and substantial relief afforded by coffee enemas made of S.A.Wilson’s Coffee, they actually look forward to them.

No other coffee maker has made use of the available science and published data regarding the enormous effect that coffee has on our most powerful enzyme detoxification system. Palmitates are the components of coffee that stimulate our carcinogen and free-radical detoxifying enzyme system (glutathione-S-transferase).

Wilson’s selection of high-palmitate beans and his careful roasting result in an enema coffee that contains nearly twice the palmitates of conventional medium-roast organic coffee. That is why S.A.Wilson’s Gold Roast is the scientific choice for detoxification.”

…and once they experience the rapid and substantial relief afforded by coffee enemas made of Wilson’s Coffee, they actually look forward to them.

  • Gar Hildenbrand
    Clinical Epidemiologist and founder of the Gerson Research Organization.
  • Dr. William Donald Kelley
    Dr. Kelley was a metabolic researcher and creator of four holistic medical concepts considered the most advanced in their field.
  • Dr. Antonio Jimenez
    Chief Medical Officer Dr. Antonio Jimenez, founder of Hope4Cancer and a recognized world leader in holistic & integrative oncology.
Gar Hildenbrand

Gar Hildenbrand

Clinical Epidemiologist and founder of the Gerson Research Organization.
Dr. William Donald Kelley

Dr. William Donald Kelley

Dr. Kelley was a metabolic researcher and creator of four holistic medical concepts considered the most advanced in their field.
Dr. Antonio Jimenez

Dr. Antonio Jimenez

Chief Medical Officer Dr. Antonio Jimenez, founder of Hope4Cancer and a recognized world leader in holistic & integrative oncology.