Enema Coffee Resources

​​The Benefits of Coffee Enemas

Unpopular opinion: the forbidden morning coffee that you just can’t resist might be able to actually get a pass…if you use it for your colon.

​​The Benefits of Coffee Enemas

Unpopular opinion: the forbidden morning coffee that you just can’t resist might be able to actually get a pass…if you use it for your colon.

Hear us out here.

If you’re an avid coffee drinker and are often guilt-ridden with conflicting “I shouldn’t do this, but it tastes so good” thoughts, then don’t worry; you’ll be intrigued to know that coffee can flush all that creamer right out of you– if you use it as an enema.

The benefits of enemas do wonders for the body. However, coffee enema benefits take it up a whole other notch. With high levels of caffeine and palmitic acid, coffee enemas are one of the best ways to detox your body.

In this new age of medicine, individuals are becoming increasingly open to creative yet unorthodox methods of treating illnesses, losing weight or detoxing. Of course, traditional routes (like exercise, hours in the sauna, or even surgical procedures) are still available, but does that sound as intriguing? No? Then maybe you can try something a bit unconventional, but just as helpful, like a coffee enema cleanse.

What is a Coffee Enema?

Well, to understand what a coffee enema is, you’d have to first understand what a traditional enema is. An enema, also known as a colon cleanse, detoxifies your liver by way of water through a tube, inserted through the rectum. 

Alternatively, a coffee enema is basically the same thing, only, instead of water, the colonic hygienist (the person administering the colonic), would use brewed, caffeinated coffee. If you don’t have a colonic hygienist on hand, you can carefully self-administer a coffee enema as well. 

While the procedure does sound a little concerning, the wealth of coffee enema benefits make this therapy more than worth it.

What are the Benefits of Doing a Coffee Enema?

Even though this wacky alternative is definitely left-field (to say the least), this method has a ton of benefits. Coffee enema benefits include:

– an increase in energy

– removal of parasites from the digestive system

– disposal of heavy metals from the body

– a boosted immune system

– treatment for depression and even cancer

– deep removal of environmental toxins 

Can You Cleanse Your Body with a Coffee Enema?

You can absolutely cleanse your body with a coffee enema. Coffee enemas aid in the removal of toxins from the body. How? It’s because the substances that make up coffee– (alkaloids, palmitates and caffeine)–are the key components to the success of the enema cleanse. 

To break it down as simply as possible, the alkaloids empty toxin-filled bile from the liver to the gallbladder and the palmitates encourage an enzyme system to stop free roaming cells from spreading and causing disease.

The benefits of enemas in general, including coffee-aided colonics, is that they stimulate bowel movements that purge the intestines and colon. This is a relieving option for those who suffer from constipation and other digestive issues. Individuals who’ve self-administered the cleanse reported positive reactions, including reduced stress levels and better nights of sleep.

Where Do Coffee Enemas Come From?

Coffee enemas were created by a German man by the name of Dr. Max Gerson, who, in the late 1920s, suffered from terrible migraines and was simply looking for a way to cure his debilitating headaches. 

Through a treatment system labeled as Gerson Therapy, Dr. Gerson promoted the body’s ability to heal itself through raw juices, natural supplements and coffee enemas, for an overall, thorough detox. Dr. Gerson recognized that the enema method was ideal because it exposed patients to coffee way faster than if you’d decide to ingest it through drinking.

Though this simply started out as a form of headache relief, one of Dr. Gerson’s patients (who suffered from tuberculosis) realized that this migraine treatment actually cured his skin tuberculosis. From that point on, Gerson Therapy took off.

What Types of Coffee Should I Use For My Enema?

Before we dive into the best coffee for enemas, there are a couple of components to consider. Firstly, the way the coffee bean is roasted makes all the difference. The four types of coffee roasts are dark, medium, medium-dark, and light. The lighter the roast, the more caffeine is retained in the coffee bean.

Think of it as a vegetable: the more it is cooked, the less amount of nutrients it will retain. Naturally, the lightest roast provides both the highest concentration of caffeine and palmitic acid. For this reason, it is recommended that beginners of this alternative cleanse start with a medium roast, which has the perfect balance of naturally occurring components.

Secondly, it’s important to first consider how coffee beans are processed. Ideally, you should always prioritize organic coffee beans because they’re free of  additives and haven’t been over-processed in factories. After all, the entire purpose of a detox is to refrain from anything processed and inorganic. So, no, Folgers will not work!

Below is a list of trusted, cost effective coffee brands:

S.A. Wilson’s Gold Roast Coffee (my personal favorite)

Cafe Mam Therapy Roast

Purelife Enema Coffee Light Roast

Aussie Health 419 Enema Coffee

Cor-vital Therapy Coffee

Bulletproof Medium Roast Coffee

Premier Research Labs Premiere Coffee

Which Brand of Enema Coffee is the Best?

I have been performing coffee enemas for a number of years now, and have tried all of the most popular brands. The one brand I absolutely love and keep coming back to is S.A.Wilson’s Gold Roast Coffee

S.A.Wilson’s coffee is recommended by the Gerson Research Organization as well as CHIPSA the Gerson Hospital, and is used in various clinics all around the world. Mr. Wilson spent years perfecting his process to ensure the highest levels of caffeine and palmitic acid, and had his coffee tested and verified by external labs to be mold-free. The coffee is affordable and they have fantastic customer service. If I could recommend one coffee to you, this would be it!

Are There Risks to Doing a Coffee Enema?

Like any other medical procedure, there are pros and of course, some cons to taking coffee enemas. According to the United States National Cancer Institute, at least three deaths have been linked to coffee enemas, and all deaths were tied to the excessive use of coffee enemas over a 24 hour period. Two of those deaths were linked to an electrolyte imbalance, while the other was allegedly caused by a bacterial infection. 

Even though coffee enemas are associated with a number of positive health benefits, if performed incorrectly, they can yield harmful and even deadly results. Some individuals who have self-administered coffee enemas in their homes have reported various adverse side effects including:

– rectal burns

– nausea

– vomiting

– cramping

– bloating

– dehydration

– bowel perforation 

However, as long as you consult with your doctor first and perform the enema carefully or embrace going to a colonic professional, then the cons are very preventable.

Instead of opting for obscure medications offered at the local drugstore, why not consider a natural treatment, using ingredients that you are actually familiar with? As the Gerson Therapy option continues to live on, more individuals are gravitating towards holistic remedies. So… are you ready for your first coffee enema cleanse?

With such worthwhile benefits, this may be one of the best ways to take control of your body, your health and your gut flora.