The Benefits of Gold Roast Coffee

Dark roast or light. Arabica or robusta. Americano or cappuccino. No two coffee types, recipes, beans, or roasts are the same. Each offers a unique flavor and unique properties. In short: not all coffee is created equally. The same is true for coffee enemas: the pioneering colon cleansing technique designed to detox your body. But what’s the best coffee for enemas? The answer: S.A. Wilson’s Gold Roast Coffee.
If you’re new to coffee enemas, it may sound a little unusual to infuse coffee into your bowel. Let alone start considering which is the best coffee for enema. Or, perhaps you’ve already felt the amazing benefits of coffee enemas and want to take the procedure to the next level.
Either way, understanding what makes Gold Roast Coffee so special will revolutionize your enema experience. It’ll also enhance your health benefits.
But first: let’s recap coffee enemas.
(It’ll help appreciate what makes Gold Roast Coffee the best!)
What is a coffee enema?
Coffee enemas first became popular in the early 1900s. It wasn’t until the German-American doctor, Max Gerson, investigated the procedure, that the miraculous detoxifying effects were properly understood. Using his innovative Gerson therapy, he finally put the procedure on the map.
Today coffee enemas are used as a natural treatment for the following:
– Constipation
– Yeast overgrowth
– Chronic pain
– Depression
– Fatigue
– Intestinal parasites
There is a suggestion, however, that coffee enemas also boost moods, alleviate stress, aid digestion, and increase energy levels.
They’re believed to work by stimulating bile flow and glutathione production: a potent detoxifying antioxidant. Indeed, glutathione is known to stimulate the excretion of bile.
What is Gold Roast Coffee?
Despite first investigating coffee enemas over a century ago, there wasn’t a specialist coffee for enemas until relatively recently. That was until the development of SA Wilson’s Gold Roast Coffee.
And that’s just part of what makes Gold Roast Coffee so special.
The story of Gold Roast Coffee’s brilliance goes back to the 1970s. While flare jeans and disco were all the rage, a researcher and CEO of LKT Laboratories, Luke Lam, investigated coffee brewing. He discovered that once filtered, coffee lost all its medicinal properties. That’s because Palmitic Acid salts – an essential health ingredient – are attached to microfibers. If filtered, these microfibers are removed – also removing the Palmitic acid salts.
Lam’s insights didn’t stop there. While coffee needs to be roasted to extract the essential oils, too much and the healing properties are destroyed. Indeed, the level of roasting is what gives different coffee’s their distinctive flavor.
What Lam recommended was the lightest roast available.
Lam shared his discoveries with the then CEO of the Gerson Research Organization, Gar Hildebrand. Indeed, it was this conversation that sparked the insight from SA Wilson himself.
What if, Wilson conjectured, the coffee was roasted less than for regular consumption. He tested a batch. The results were nothing short of outstanding.
What if, Wilson conjectured, the coffee was roasted in a different way? Wilson developed a new three-tiered way of processing coffee, which resulted in heightened levels of caffeine and palmitic acid. He tested a batch. The results were nothing short of outstanding.
Two key medicinal chemicals – cafestol and kahweol – were double the values of the previous lightest roast available. The regular light roasted coffee wasn’t going to cut it, he found. From here on out, SA Wilson’s Gold Roast Coffee would be the lightest and best coffee for enemas.
Why use Gold Roast Coffee for an enema?
You wouldn’t use a baseball to play golf. Nor would you fly a propeller plane across the Atlantic. So, why use drinking coffee for an enema. Well, you shouldn’t.
Not when the best coffee for enemas is available: S.A. Wilson’s Gold Roast Coffee.
Specially designed by S.A. Wilson, Gold Roast coffee has a plethora of health benefits. But that’s not the only reason to choose Gold.
With over 20 years of trusted experience, Gold Roast coffee guarantees better results than any other roast. Beans are certified organic by at least two certifying agencies. They’re also sourced from small, independent farming co-operatives. So, they’re as ethical as they are efficacious.
That’s not all.
The bowel is a fickle organ, easily influenced by fungi and bacteria. Indeed, recent research demonstrated the remarkable effects of gut microflora on our health. Therefore, you don’t want to introduce dangerous – and potentially harmful – microorganisms into your gut.
Thankfully, all Gold Roast coffee is roasted in an ultra-clean process. After roasting, it is then tested to guarantee that it’s mold-free.
Little wonder, then, that S.A. Wilson’s Gold Roast coffee is considered the #1 enema coffee in the world.
What are the benefits of Gold Roast coffee enema?
Based on the pioneering work of Lam and Wilson, coffee works better after a lighter roast. The reason: higher levels of vital medical chemicals, like cafestol and kahweol.
But what exactly do these chemicals do? And how do they make Gold Roast the best coffee for enemas?
Here’s the science:
Cafestol is a diterpene alcohol. That doesn’t mean it’ll get you drunk. Instead, researchers found that cafestol increases insulin secretion – potentially lowering the risk of type 2 diabetes. Cafestol, alongside kahweol, also demonstrates anti-inflammatory properties. The complicated science: both suppress pro-inflammatory COX-2 proteins.
They also have antioxidant effects. Both cafestol and kahweol are highly protective against oxidative DNA damage and the generation of superoxide radicals – preventing damage in the liver and nerves.
There have even been some suggestions about anti-cancer properties. The pair of compounds may directly prevent carcinogen-DNA binding.
And let’s not forget Lam’s startling discovery about Palmitic acids.
Scientists have created an extensive list of benefits for Palmitic acids. Nerve and brain protection. Anti-diabetic effects. Improved lung function via increased surfactant production: the fluid that keeps your airways open. Evidence for each benefit is mounting.
With Lam’s key insight and Wilson’s Gold Roast coffee, these benefits are more readily felt via coffee enemas. That’s simply amazing!
Caffeine levels are also higher in Gold Roast coffee. If you’re suffering from constipation, that’s fantastic news. Researchers found that caffeine increases gut motility. That means a guaranteed mechanism to alleviate deep, chronic, and uncomfortable pain for those with severe constipation.
There have also been limited studies investigating caffeine’s effect on the gut microflora. High levels of anti-inflammatory bacteria like Faecalibacterium and Roseburia were found, and lower levels of potentially harmful organisms. Indeed, those who ingest more coffee often have higher microbiome diversity. That may explain some of the benefits to mood and sleep. Both of which have been linked to your gut microflora.
Gold Roast and Gerson Therapy
Gerson Therapy made coffee enemas a landmark treatment. But what difference do Gold Roasts make to the procedure?
First up: what is Gerson Therapy?
Gerson Therapy relies upon a simple aim: to activate the body’s extraordinary ability to heal itself. More than just coffee enemas, the therapy depends on an organic, plant-based diet. The diet is low in sodium, fats, and proteins – helping to flood the body with nutrients. Primarily this is achieved through raw juices.
Practitioners use coffee enemas to aid detoxification of the liver. That’s where bile is released from: a mechanism enhanced by glutathione.
Where Gold Roast comes in is with its potency. Unlike traditionally roasted coffees, Gold Roast packs a bigger punch. That means less coffee is needed overall to achieve the same results. Where three tablespoons may have been used before, only two are now required.
The effects of both Gerson Therapy and Gold Roasts are reportedly incredible. Alongside the Gerson diet, patients described a significant reduction in pain. The decline led to all other pain medications being stopped.
It’s important to maintain the diet alongside the enemas, however. Significant volumes of electrolytes are lost during the bowel evacuation. As such, plenty of water and juices can help balance the losses.
The Takeaway
Thousands of people report amazing benefits from coffee enemas: reduced constipation, less pain, fewer intestinal problems. Already the science for its efficacy is growing.
But to achieve the greatest benefit, we must follow the research of Lam and Wilson. Only by using Gold Roast coffee can we extract the full benefits of coffee enemas. Gold Roast coffee is the best coffee for enemas with higher levels of all the important medicinal compounds. If you’re interested in using this ingenious treatment, contact your local enema clinic or doctor today. Or head over to S.A. Wilson’s Gold Roast Coffee for further information.
The results must be felt to be believed!
- The Benefits of Gold Roast CoffeeNot all coffee is created equally. The same is true for coffee enemas: the pioneering colon cleansing technique designed to detox your body.
- What to Expect When Doing Coffee EnemasIndeed, there’s one healthcare phenomenon that is getting attention for all the right reasons. It’s called a coffee enema.
- The Top 5 Enema Coffees on the MarketCoffee enemas are nothing new. Though the revolutionary alternative medicine treatment is seeing a resurgence in popularity, it was first adopted over 100 years ago.